High School Admission Guidelines

Admissions to Tolles

Students at Tolles’ 11 associate high schools have the opportunity to attend our career-technical programs, an extension of the learning experience within your school district. This can be done in a half-day or full-day schedule. To enroll, students must meet the following admissions guidelines:

  • Residency: Students must reside within one of our seven associate school districts. Please contact us for more information.

  • Students who have completed one year of full-time enrollment in an approved high school curriculum must have earned five overall credits prior to starting at Tolles, with a minimum of three Ohio Core Credits. Sophomores are only eligible for our sophomore program called Career Exploration Academy.

  • Students who have completed two years of full-time enrollment in an approved high school curriculum must have earned ten overall credits prior to starting at Tolles, with a minimum of seven Ohio Core Credits, which must include Algebra 1.

  • Students who have completed three years of full-time enrollment in an approved high school curriculum must have earned twelve overall credits overall prior to entering Tolles, with a minimum of ten Ohio Core Credits, which must include Algebra 1.

  • Ohio Core Credits include all academic courses specified as Ohio minimum graduation requirements in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.

  • Confirmation Letter: students must receive a Confirmation of Acceptance Email, notifying them a seat has been secured within their Primary Program of Choice.

Students are required to complete our online application system. The online application is simple and brief, but students must:

  • Have a parent/guardian or counselor/transition coordinator present to complete the application;

  • Select a primary choice and if desired, a secondary choice. You do not have to have a secondary program choice.

Application Availability

Tolles is accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year beginning on December 5, 2024 on our website at 5:00pm or you can also apply at Open House / Launch Night. This will be the first opportunity to apply. Please mark your calendar for our in-person Open House on December 5, 2024 from 5:00 pm-7:30 pm.

While Tolles accepts applications on a rolling basis, students are encouraged to apply within the Priority Enrollment period of December 5, 2024 - Jan. 20, 2025. This will increase your chances of being accepted, and it will also allow you to plan your schedule in February with your counselor after you receive notification of acceptance. Students are strongly encouraged to apply during the priority application window as there are limited spots available per program. Please note, it is not first to apply, first to be accepted. All applications will be processed at the same time after the January 16th priority window deadline.

Application Process

Students complete and submit an application online at TollesTech.com. Partner schools provide the transcripts for applicants.

Application Timeline for 2025-2026 school year

Priority Application Window

General Application Window

December 5th (5pm) - January 20th (11:59pm)

January 20th - 10th day of school for Tolles


Any application submitted within the Priority Application Window will receive an admission decision for enrollment in the CTE program by mid-February. Any applications submitted after January 20th will receive an admission decision as soon as all priority applications have been processed. Students will receive one of the following decisions:




  • Met credit requirements

  • Program seats available

  • Met credit requirements

  • Program seats are not available

  • Did not meet credit requirements

  • If program seats are available, students will be accepted as a half-day-only student to ensure they can complete the required credits at their home school.

  • If program seats are not available, students will be put on a waitlist and if a spot opens, will be accepted as a half-day only student to ensure they can complete the required credits at their home school.

  • Incoming sophomores are only eligible for our Career Exploration Academy program. Incoming sophomores that do not meet credit requirements will be denied in order to complete credit recovery at their home school.

Lottery System Process/Oversubscribed Program Procedure:

The lottery system will go into effect if eligible applications for a program go over the number of seats available. Tolles will use an electronic system to randomly select eligible applications. If the applicant earns a spot in the program, they will be notified and must claim their seat within two weeks.

Once seats are filled in a program eligible applications will be on a waitlist. Students on the waitlist will be in the order of their lottery number. Any student that has applied during the Priority Application Window will hold their placement on the waitlist and it will not change as other students apply after the priority application window closes.

Priority Application Acceptance:

For our two year programs, acceptances to CTE programs will be processed in the following priority order. Tolles will utilize the Oversubscribed Program Procedure when necessary:

  1. Current students enrolled in the Tolles Sophomore Academy program on main campus earning a “C” or better and meet the credit requirements corresponding to their years enrolled in high school.

  2. Students who have completed two years of full-time enrollment in an approved high school curriculum and meet the corresponding credit requirements. (Incoming juniors)

  3. Current Level 1 students enrolled at the Tolles campus applying to a new Program, are passing their current program, and meet credit requirements corresponding to their years enrolled in high school. 

  4. Students who have completed three years of full-time enrollment in an approved high school curriculum and meet the corresponding credit requirements. (Incoming seniors)

Additional Information:

Cosmetology: Students may only enroll in this program in 11th grade due to licensure requirements.

Firefighting/EMT: Students may only enroll in this program in 11th grade due to licensure requirements.

Career Exploration Academy: Students may only enroll in this program in 10th grade. Prior to entering this program, students must have earned five overall credits with a minimum of four Ohio Core Credits.

Credit Recovery

If a student lacks or is currently not enrolled to meet the required number of earned Overall credits, Ohio Core credits and/or Primary Program of Choice prerequisites, the student must work with his/her parent/guardian, and his/her associate school counselor to enroll in the courses needed to meet credit requirements. An updated transcript, showing newly earned and/or enrolled credits must be submitted to Tolles prior to the application being processed.